Peeing in the Time of COVID

It’s simple, almost rudimentary really… when you gotta go, you gotta go. Full stop.

G Correia
6 min readDec 20, 2020
Image by Author

Whatever you do, DO NOT get kidney stones. This experience no one wants — even the most ardent masochist. The pain these little f*ckers can inflict on you is not dissimilar to learning only decaf is left in the pot.

If you are however someone who enjoys a full bladder that decides on its own when it wants to expel its demons, then godspeed.

This might be where we part ways.

On Tuesday I would be at the hospital freeing myself of “the stones.” The Sunday before, a COVID test was required as part of the pre-op. Admittedly, I had no prior knowledge of what to expect, nor did I plan accordingly. Having never experienced either, let’s just say I was on the cusp of an emotional breakdown. I don’t do well with hospitals or tests. To this day, I’m amazed I got through elementary school, and high school, and college, and couples therapy… unscathed.

Thinking I would have more than enough time to get in, get it done, and flee the scene, I departed that morning a bit late. Once I arrived at the hospital, I noticed a string of cars in the COVID test line. Again, with no prior knowledge of what to expect, I didn’t sweat waiting.



G Correia

Taking up space and proud to be average | Writing about life and trying to make sense of it all | Editor of Freethinkr | Maker of pancakes